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I've loved you now so long
I can't remember when my love for you began.
I tried to be so strong
But nothing that I said could make you understand.

I gave you just a part of me
And hoped that you'd give all to me.
Now I'm opening my heart you see
And hope to share my all with thee.

The love we share will be so strong.
Our hearts will sing with joy a sweet new song.
Our hearts will sing with honesty
For truth is the key.

And now our lives are new.
The past no longer has the power to bring us pain.
I know you love me too
And seek for us a love to share and make us new.

You gave me just a part of you
And hoped that I'd give all to you.
Now you're searching for the answers to
The secrets deep inside of you.

The love we share will be so strong
Our hearts will sing with joy a sweet new song.
Our hearts will sing with honesty
For truth is the key.